It is finally here! A place to just sit and blog about where we are and what we are doing. We hope to post the past issues of TontoTrails somewhere here so you can see more photos and read about our Mexico adventures.
Right now we are spending the weekend in Telluride Colorado at the 34th Annual Bluegrass Festival. After crossing back into the USA around Memorial Day weekend we spent some amazing time in southern Utah and now have a perfect spot to camp in our friend Beverly and Ben's driveway in Utah. We met Ben and Bev in Sayulita Mexico and hit it off so well we can't wait to travel with them when they get their own Sportsmobile!
It is sunny and warm here with chilly evenings, killer mountain biking and hiking trails, friendly people and fabulous food..and great music from 11 am until 12 pm. John is doing a great job getting us upfront spots at the shows by sitting out in the lines at 6am! So excited to see my sister and friends for the weekend and next we meet up with John's mom and stepfather for a week of exploring Colorado!