Spending a weekend in Yosemite has always been an exciting idea for me, and when it worked out that John, Lobo and I could be here on my birthday weekend it seemed just perfect in itself. John was also really exited to make sure that we hiked up to the top of Half Dome that he had done a few years earlier. Friday night (my birthday) we had a lot of fun packing bags, making sandwiches and opening birthday presents! On Saturday morning John and I headed up the trail to Half Dome around 7am. We could have started earlier since John didn’t seem to be sleeping and I kept waking up all night to hear him moving things around the van, taking apart the fan, and whatever else. So finally we just decided to forgo our granola and yogurt to cook up a big breakfast and get going! Bags packed, we hit the trail – 8.5 miles with a 4,800ft gain to the top of one of the most impressive geologic features in the US. We charged through the mist, past Vernon and Nevada falls and before too long the weather cleared and we were zooming up the trail to the base of the famous “cable climb”. If the last 800ft of the trail to Half Dome are crazy steep, the very last 400ft are ridiculous; granite slabs at almost 60 degrees with several steel cables bolted in for those who forgot they are hikers and not climbers and don’t have ropes with them. The curve of the rock is pretty extreme in some places so while your shoes are gripping pretty well, you can still see the 4,800+drop in your peripheral vision. Still, this is what we do, so up we went.
At the top we had the most spectacular view of what Yosemite has to offer all to ourselves. The deep Yosemite valley, Merced river, expansive meadows and glacier carved cliffs were dazzling our eyes with color and contrasts. John suggested we sit on the edge of Half Dome and dangle our feet over for a look. Sure, no problem. What a spectacular place “We should do something memorable” he said and told a simple story of a man in New Jersey in 1939 who fell in love with a woman Susanne Suitch and when he knew he didn’t want to live his life without her he gave her something special: his name was Fredrick John Hartley Jr. (John’s Grandfather), and this is what he gave her. And then MY John (Fredrick John Hartley IV) gave me the same beautiful antique ring, 68 years later. I giggled, and apparently it was hard for me to stay focused, and who knows what I said, but in there somewhere it was pretty clear that I feel the same way he does and I said yes! What a wonderful weekend in Yosemite!
Yahoooo - giggles - what a climb. Talk about memorable!
So happy for you and John.
We love you.
Auntie Chris
OMG - this is the best news ever!!!!
we need a close up on that ring!!
Lots of love.
Oh John--what great guy
and Jules you wrote about it so well
love you both
Uncle Dan says he climbed Half Dome in his sandals. Bud says "...I like John, good" Martha says "..." well, Martha as usual had absolutely nothing to say. Oh! wait Dan just said you are "two peas in a pod, kindred spirits" He is so deep but very happy for you--Julie-"she's such a good kid"
Joey and I are THRILLED!!!!
I've been trying to call and text you!
Lots of love!!!
Joey and Denise
Yeah! Congratulations to both of you, and happy trails as you head into marriage! I'm so excited for you Julie, and know that John will have an amazing wife:)!
Amy Rogers
Congrats! I'm so excited for you both!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!
Cousin Allie
Giddy Up!
Happy Birthday Jules and CONGRATULATIONS! This is SUCH fantastic news... We are thrilled for you both and are so impressed with John's creative proposal! What a lovely and romantic story!
We can't wait to see you both! Come back to Toronto soon so that we can celebrate!!! xo Devon and Dave
Uncle (Godfather) PJ is very excited and happy for both of you. Have to admit that when Julie told me that John "proposed" at the top of the Dome, I asked if he had "proposed how they were going to get down from there"!!! His idea is much better.
Love to you both.
Julie and John!!!
What fantastic news. We are so excited for you guys. What an amazing adventure. Can't wait to see you guys to celebrate your great news. Hope you are coming home soon. Lots of love, Jen, Kev and Eleanor xoxoxoxoxoxox
Guys, am so happy for you. What a romantic proposal...sounds like a magical day.
Best wishes and a massive hug to you both
Cousin Thomas :)
Massive congratulations to you both. Sounds like you're having such a fantastic time.
Lots of love.
Cousin Conrad x
YEAH!!!!! I'm sure John knows he's got the best girl in the world, but I wanted to remind him just in case :) We are SO SO SO very excited for you two! Enjoy every single moment of this great time together. And post more pictures!!!
Lots of love,
Annie & Jonathan
Yeehaw! This is great you guys! What an expected surprise. Soleil wants to know when the babies are gonna come. Kids, they're so precocious ... But they'd sure be cute, just like you two!
Neige,Nick& Soleilxoxoxoxox
I just found out you could leave comments on your blog...well at least I did enter another phase of my computerage.
I am blown away by John's romantic proposal and just glad Julie didn't fall off!!!
Lots of love,
Hey - I didn't know you could comment on Tonto Trails....atta boy, Johnny! I was wondering how you orchestrated everything. Sounds like you two are still having a great trip. I still vote for Lobo as the ring bearer!! :)
Say WHAT!? That is soooo amazing and I'm SO happy for you both. Julie - you have a great guy there, take good care of him and I'm so happy that you will forever be a part of his life, and hopefully ours too.
John - I couldn't be happier for you. You deserve the love of a wonderful woman and I'm sure Julie will be everything you need and desire. Be good to each other, and have a safe and wonderful journey!
Come back and visit us again soon - or maybe we can hook up in Mexico on spring break???
Take care you two!
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