Monday, September 1, 2008

Long Road Home and Back Again

I have a HUGE hole in the Tontotrails Series, and there are some drafts written, somewhere, but not here.

Here´s what happened from March 08-Aug 08 in a nutshell..

1. Took Tonto on a major cross Mexico adventure through to Oxaca, the Sierra Nortes and back again. Lots of tails and history to tell. Lots of mtn biking and driving. Awesome trip.
2. Lived in the house in Sayulita for a few months to work on projects.
3. In early May high tailed it in Tonto north to Atlanta. Long drive with some interesting boondocking favorite was under a bridge in Texas.
4. Mid May - July Lobo was bunking with his buddy Bailey in Atlanta while we worked the Shimano Coasting Tour with a fully wrapped Taureg pulling a trailer of Coasting Bikes from Columbus to San Fran and then up to Seattle. Julie stayed a few extra days in Seattle to meet up with the Dixons and Sean Hartman and then a stop over for Sharon K´s bachelorette in Chicago. Good times.
5. July-August time on the East Coast with family and friends at Lake George and Salter´s Point. Wedding planning in full swing consuming a lot of time but getting things checked off the lists. Its going to be great Sept 12 09!
6. John and Lobo returned to NJ to work on the 3-family apartments and had quite the adventure with a flood and a fire in just one 24hr period. Learned a lot about getting rid of smoke damage and sanding floors the correct way!
7. Julie flew to Sayulita Aug 4th to start a job in the Costa Verde International School.

Will post some highlight photos soon!!

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